How to Fight Flab Around the Middle
How to Fight Flab Around the MiddleHow to Make Losing Weight in the New Year Work The 10 Habits of Highly Successful Dieters Drastic Ways to Reduce Flab
Some look forward to the summer, while others dread a time when the clothes become more revealing of the body within. Yet if it is flab you are concerned about, getting rid of it is easier than you may think. A sprinkling of discipline, a dash of stealth, and soon no skirt can be too short for you and no t-shirt too figure-hugging.
Intestinal fat is relatively easy to burn. If you increase the daily basic amount your metabolism needs and become a little more active, it won’t add to your girth. If your level of activity declines, however, fat easily accumulates around the middle, so the most important rule is to keep it up. There is no need for a special workout program; just walking some 30 minutes a day will do.
Lack of activity, in any case, makes intestinal fat accumulate even if other parts of the body stay slim: the symptoms are that you feel constantly tired and a great lassitude overcomes you at the thought of lifting the remote control. Now that is dangerous, because excess intestinal fat is linked to a variety of disease.
Some people do sit-ups till they are blue in the face to get rid of belly-flab, but that may be no use. The subcutaneous fat sits above the muscles, so while there may be a well-toned six-pack waiting to get out, it remains concealed under the upholstery. Much better advice is changing your diet a little and doing some aerobic exercises.
On the subject of eating: if you do it fast, slow down. The faster you eat, the more you will want before you realize you are full. Nor does it help if you eat a big meal and then skip the next. Your sly body just takes in more food faster, and this eating habit is even more likely to turn calories straight into fat than eating regularly.
During the day, your sympathetic nerve is active, but at night, it’s your parasympathetic system’s turn. And when the latter is at work, your body just wants a break so it can store fat in peace. Don’t encourage it: a big meal at night gives it the excuse it needs to add inches to your waist, while the same amount eaten during the day will only do half the damage. Food before bedtime is the high road to obesity.
If you have a voracious appetite, it’s best to keep having your regular meals. Cutting down radically will only make you obsessed with food, and before you know it you’re at the ice cream tub at 4 a.m. It’s much better to reduce each meal one grain of rice at a time so your body won’t think of getting greedy.
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