Monday, July 17, 2006

10 Habits of Highly Successful Dieters

The 10 Habits of Highly Successful Dieters
How to Make Losing Weight in the New Year Work How to Fight Flab Around the Middle Drastic Ways to Reduce Flab
Diet experts and successful dieters agree that good habits are key to losing weight sustainably, focusing on less fattening food and certain exercises.
Here are 10 habits that can help you shed extra flab in the fattening holiday season ahead.
1. Sufficient sleep. Studies reveal that when we don’t get enough sleep, our bodies tend to take in more calories than usual. We keep eating not because we’re hungry but because of the stress from insufficient sleep.
2. Eat a lot of onions with meat. A special substance in onions helps your body break down fat, and they are more effective eaten raw rather than cooked.
3. Keep your heels off the floor while you wash the dishes. It may not seem like much in the way of exercise, but it is very effective. Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart and raise your heels off the floor. Maintain the position for 10 to 20 minutes. Make it a habit and you’ll have thinner ankles and a more toned bottom.
4. At night, eat fruit like bananas and watermelon. Many people believe all fruits are non-fattening and it is therefore fine to eat them late in the evening. But smart dieters check the calorie count before crunching into their late-night snack. Bananas and watermelon are great: they are low in calories and stimulate the digestive tract.
5. Massage your abdomen during your evening bath or shower. Massages help your internal organs work properly and get rid of constipation and excess fat.
6. Stand on tiptoe on the subway for beautiful calves. On your way home from work on the subway or bus, slightly lift one foot up and stand on tiptoe on the other foot. This, too, makes for a more shapely leg. Get off a stop earlier and walk home at a brisk pace: there is no better exercise for burning fat.
7. Always ask for an extra glass of water when you have a drink. Alcoholic beverages should be taboo to dieters, as both spirits and beer are high in calories. If you have to have a drink, drink a lot of water in between. Water dissolves alcohol and makes you feel full so it can help you drink less.
8. Drink green tea instead of water when you’re thirsty. No more need to be said about the effect of green tea. Green tea dissolves fat and slows down aging. Have a cup every day and get healthier and younger skin.
9. Do not watch TV lying down. Lying in front of the TV with the remote in your hand after dinner is the easiest way to gain weight. Sit keeping your back straight and do some stretching instead.
10. Look at yourself in a full-length mirror as much as possible. Check out how you look with your own eyes, especially before and after dinner. It helps you stay focused on your diet and motivates you to get in good shape.


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